But what that is that their intestines pushing out so you say there's no problem with using steroids it’s the abusive steroids once again it does it come down to age comes and a lot of different things like we don't die from getting old as human beings we deiform Alpha Rush Pro the things we can combat when we get old where we division and growth hormone and testosterone is man we start to drop in 25 years old so all I do what people should do I think is put back those.
But what that is that their intestines pushing out so you say there's no problem with using steroids it’s the abusive steroids once again it does it come down to age comes and a lot of different things like we don't die from getting old as human beings we deiform Alpha Rush Pro the things we can combat when we get old where we division and growth hormone and testosterone is man we start to drop in 25 years old so all I do what people should do I think is put back those.